The right treatment the first time, every time

Pioneering precision medicine in mental health

Take the next step

For Patients

People living with psychiatric disorders often face a path to correct diagnosis and treatment that is fraught with difficulties.

For Clinicians

Clinicians who see psychiatric patients know how difficult it can be to match the right therapy to the right patient.

For patients

Effective, and personalized
care for patients

People living with psychiatric disorders often face a path to correct diagnosis and treatment that is fraught with difficulties. The typical patient journey involves being prescribed a treatment that works in the majority of patients with similar symptoms (a one-size-fits-most approach). However, in many cases it is not the symptoms, but individual genetic and biological differences that hold the key to whether a prescribed treatment will be effective, yet physicians have no way of knowing this without a test that reveals the ideal treatment option for each patient.

Learn how we improve the patients quality of life

For clinicians

Best way to treat mental health disorders effectively and without delay

Clinicians who see psychiatric patients know how difficult it can be to match the right therapy to the right patient. Despite their expertise and best efforts to treat mental health disorders effectively and without delay, they often have to go through a period of trial and error until an optimal therapy is found. This leads to frustration for both patients and physicians, as well as to unnecessary costs to health insurers and public payers.

Learn how we help clinicians make better decisions